Two Sleeps Away (2020)
Two Sleeps Away is a collection of images that discuss observing, imagining and approaching death. The work explores the time that bookends death--living alongside our own mortality, and the eternal aftermath for those living and deceased. Death is not simply the moment in which life is extinguished; rather a catalyst for change, a portal to new worlds, and a reminder that we are currently living.
Two Sleeps Away is a forum for the audience to consider their relationship to mortality.
Brooklyn Cobb is an artist from Denver currently living and based in New York. Cobb focuses on constructing images of strange scenes and questioning the reality of the pre existing world. Cobb’s photographs are a study of absence. Her work examines how death is a catalyst of transition in mental and physical spaces.
Emlyn Orr is an artist from Central Pennsylvania. Orr studies the revolving nature of mortality. The work questions how a hyper awareness of our impermanence affects life and the human condition.
Logan Simons is from Seattle, Washington and moved to New York to attend Pratt Institute. Her work explores many alternative mediums and focuses on spirituality and self. Simons’ work is an exploration of the fluid nature of what could happen to the deceased. Her work is influenced by various spiritual belief systems and rituals that attempt to reconcile with the unknown.